Know your wallet like you built it.

Not everyone is a developer. Not everyone has to be.

WalletScrutiny helps everyday bitcoin users verify whether or not their wallet is truly open-source and secure. Enter your wallet's name to get started, or drag and drop your wallet's binaries here.

WalletScrutiny helps everyday bitcoin users verify whether or not their wallet is truly open-source and secure. Enter your wallet's name to get started.

Drop binary to verify

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Thousands of wallets reviewed, and counting.

Our wallet analysis process requires running 17 separate tests across various categories. This might sound excessive, but our thinking is that every compromised wallet, whether it’s already popular or just released, has the potential to damage bitcoin’s reputation or discourage future users.

Learn more about our methodology.

26 of 6,459 wallets

All tests passed.

The project either does not require binaries or the binaries provided are provably generated from the source provided.

107 of 6,459 wallets

Build issues or source-code issues.

Although some code was provided, we could not verify that the binary provided was generated from it.

1,594 of 6,459 wallets

User only gets an IOU.

The provider might or might not hold BTC on behalf of the user.

180 of 6,459 wallets

User gets a non-transferable IOU.

The provider might or might not hold BTC on behalf of the user but the user is not able to transfer native BTC.

603 of 6,459 wallets

Missing source code.

The provider does not provide all the source code needed to compile the product.

117 of 6,459 wallets

Untrustworthy handling of keys.

The product by design requires the exposure of the keys to other potentially less secure systems or blindly signs on behalf of such less secure systems.

5,071 of 6,459 wallets

Not relevant.

The product is not a BTC wallet, has little to no users, was not updated in a long time or is even defunct.

49 of 6,459 wallets


The product is an imitation of a popular product and very likely fraudulent.

870 of 6,459 wallets

Pending review.

Products we know we have to look into.

Support scrutiny.

WalletScrutiny is an independent, non-profit entity that depends on volunteers and donations. Have a thorough understanding of open-source bitcoin and feel like helping us review some wallets? Great. We’d love to hear from you. Don’t know the first thing about code but want to support the people that do? Consider donating today.