Creating New Verification

Fields marked with (*) are required.

Example: app.zeusln.zeus. Start typing wallet name or ID to search for known apps, or write a new app ID. If you can't find the app here, you can open an MR to add it to the inventory, or drop us a message on our Discord.
Example: 0.9.2
Example: Firmware / Bootloader / Universal APK from Github / Debian package amd64 / ARM v8 / MacOS App Store

Reproducible: You've been able to build the asset and differences with the tested binary are minimal.

Not Reproducible: You've been able to build the asset, but differences with the tested binary are significant.

Failed to Build from Source: You failed to build the asset from source.

Spam: The asset is a spam or is not what it says it is.

No git revision: The git revision to compile is not clear.

No source: The source for this version was not found or the repository was taken down.

Obfuscated: The source code is obfuscated.

Warning: If another status could apply but some red flag has come up. Reproducible but known backdoor found, or irreproducible with a discrepancy clearly not benign.

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