How to Contribute to WalletScrutiny
WalletScrutiny aims to promote accountability and auditability in Bitcoin wallet security. Here’s how you can contribute:
Create Verifications: Create verifications for wallets you have tried to verify. More info here.
Write Opinions: Share your insights on Bitcoin apps or devices, including opposing views. Write an opinion on a wallet. It will be shared to NOSTR to extend discussions beyond this website.
Spread the Word: Engage with us on platforms like, Nostr, Discord, Facebook, and Reddit. Open communication helps verify and improve reproducibility in wallet builds.
Write Reviews: If you find an existing review lacking, update it via GitLab by cloning the repository, making your changes, and submitting a merge request.
Add Products: Wallet providers and third parties can add new products or reviews to our database. Detailed build instructions for source-available products are highly valued.
Contribute to Issue Tracker: Help us track issues by creating, commenting on, or fixing issues in our GitLab issue tracker.
Fund the Project: Support our work through donations or grants, ensuring the project and its contributors continue their vital security research.
For more detailed information on how to contribute, please refer to the comprehensive version here.